[Pearpc-devel] Sound
Hugh McMaster
2007-01-04 00:44:25 UTC

I have to added the sound sources from many years ago to the current
0.4 sources. They have been edited, and compile for Windows and
Linux. The build is stable. Unfortunately, my knowledge of C#/C++ is
extremely limited, so if it is correct, I am not really sure. As to
whether sound plays, output shows that sound is activated and
deactivated successfully, and that sound is written. My soundcard is
not working, so I cannot check if you can hear audio.

This year, I will not have much time to look at the source code, so I
was wondering where I should release the source to?

Alex Smith
2007-01-04 07:21:08 UTC
Post by Hugh McMaster
I have to added the sound sources from many years ago to the current
0.4 sources. They have been edited, and compile for Windows and
Linux. The build is stable. Unfortunately, my knowledge of C#/C++ is
extremely limited, so if it is correct, I am not really sure. As to
whether sound plays, output shows that sound is activated and
deactivated successfully, and that sound is written. My soundcard is
not working, so I cannot check if you can hear audio.
This year, I will not have much time to look at the source code, so I
was wondering where I should release the source to?
Send it to me, I'll upload it to PearPC.net
Alex Smith
Frugalware Linux developer - http://www.frugalware.org