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2007-03-13 18:52:16 UTC
To qualify, one must be able to establish themselves as an aspartame consumer prior to developing a brain tumor and fall within the three-year statute of limitations.
Three years after Donald Rumsfeld became CEO of Searle, aspartame was approved for use in dry goods.
In addition, numerous metabolic breakdown products of aspartame are known to damage the developing infant's brain, including methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, diketopiperizine and phenylacetate. And the best samosas in town. I too wasn't comfortable with IPsec and linux.
Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Next Don Rumsfeld, CEO of G D Searle, returned to Washington and a new FDA commissioner was appointed immediately who approved aspartame over the objections of the FDA scientific board.
When we started the documentary, "Sweet Misery", we did not know that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was the CEO of Searle at the time aspartame was approved.
What unspeakable torture to visit upon an innocent child by these heinous mass poisoners: the chemical sweetener cartel!
But IPSec will still be around for network-to-network VPNs.
These schools therefore create an artificial scarcity and capitalise on it.
Aspartame and toxic MSG are dumped on their lunches.
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"Aspartame has been shown by several studies to damage DNA, which can lead to cancer and degenerative brain disorders later in life.