[Pearpc-devel] Autopackage of pearpc
2006-10-25 05:26:35 UTC
Question for the pearpc devs. I don't know if any of you are familiar with
autopackage (http://autopackage.org/) but it's a 'universal' linux
application package manager.. ish. Basically, they give you a bunch of tools
to allow you to create a .package file, and it should theoretically install
on any linux pc, even as a user. They're currently looking for as many
projects to make packages as possible, and I thought this might be a good
thing for pearpc to do. Especially since it's easily integrated with the
build system, so nightly builds could be done and released as autopackages.
(It would be trivial, once the first package was made and tested). It might
also be a good way to bring in a few more developers, or get a few more
people looking at pearpc (thing seem to be pretty dead atm).

Just thought I'd throw this out there, and spread the word.

Christopher S. Case
Project Head
The Seventh Game: Precursors
(716) 785 - 5553(Cellphone)
"To err is human. To forgive, divine.
To fix mistakes, now that's an Engineer."