[Pearpc-devel] decriminalize
2007-01-10 14:38:05 UTC
We live in interesting times indeed.
This is amazing work, and yet more evidence that stem cell research in the US should be allowed to progress unimpeded by legislation. Cancer Vaccines: Hype or Hope? Eating a healthier diet leads to a greater appreciation for natural and subtle flavors.
cfmOn the page above, I try to outline the most effective way in which we can make our voices heard.
Activism and advocacy. Instead of throwing money at t We are talking up a storm, building online communities and acting as focal points for the ideas and discussions of a growing community. FINThat's all for my commentary this time: a news roundup for the past two weeks follows below.
The phrase "low-calorie diet" has also been seen here and there recently.
This medical research holds great promise, and should move forward.
The article includes interesting mention of current medical research into drugs that would mimic the beneficial effects of CR.
Here we see what looks like the powerhouses Geron and ACT validating the younger BioMarker Pharmaceuticals. FINAL THOUGHTSFor a final thought, let's come back to growing the community.
Health and wellness are, after all, what make a longer life well worth living. Many of the news articles in this newsletter are connected with bioethics, the council, recent legislation and responses from the media.
The members of the bioethics council were selected for their views, in order to rubber-stamp legislation like the bill criminalizing theraputic cloning research. I have put together an action item with this in mind. "Life extension," while passing that test on one level, fails miserably on the next. But the mainstream doesn't have to listen to what we have to say if we present it in a fashion that is unappealing. After all, this is no different from sharing the normal run-of-the-mill health advice. The Viridians have made a successful and growing - if still fairly small - influential movement.
Artificial implants and replacements are expected to become better, more versatile and cheaper as the years go by.
People realize that interests are aligned, and become more involved. It is well worth a visit.
cfmDISCUSSIONHave comments for us, or want to discuss the newsletter?
Take a front seat in the process of ensuring your future health and longevity!
I took up calorie restriction and the weight started to melt. Talking about fun in the context of life extension, in other words, or vice versa. Unfortunately, we cannot dismiss Kass.
Klein of the Immortality Institute and Boom Time For Longevity by George Dvorsky. Theraputic cloning research is vital to the development of future regenerative medicine: cures for many diseases and the possibility of defeating aging. The US Senate is gearing up to vote on criminalizing theraputic cloning, one of the most promising lines of anti-aging research.
There are cartoons on the other channel, cakes on the table, and games played just down the road.
Today, AIDS in Western countries is almost a manageable, chronic condition rather than a death sentence.
Funding is vanishing, researchers are leaving.
Calorie restriction is the only proven way to extend healthy life in mammals, and is something that you should all look into.
If a need is shouted loudly enough, money will be directed to answer that need. You may recall that Prof.